deutschWine market festival, Rhine in flames
Rhine aflame
– Night of the thousand fires – the vintage festival on the Rhine river – Oberwesel on the middle Rhine river

Oberwesel on the left Rhine border between Mainz, Bingen, Bacharach, St. Goar, Boppard, Coblence, Koblenz, Bonn and Koln, Cologne, Germany

Oberwesel Weinfeste Winzerfeste Weinlesefeste Weinmarkt Nacht der tausend Feuer Rhein in FlammenOberwesel Weinfeste Winzerfeste Weinlesefeste Weinmarkt Nacht der tausend Feuer Rhein in Flammen
In the beginning years the wine market festival in Oberwesel was held every 14 days and was a pure sales promotion of the numerous vine dressers of the town of the towers and of the wine.
But throughout time the Oberweseler wine market developed itself more and more to a tourist attraction and today it counts to one of the hightlights of the vintage festival on the Rhine river. The Oberweseler vintage dressers and wine grape growers await a numerous amount of guests in their wine stands and booths on the market place.

Thursday, September 11, 2025

6:00 p.m. Begin of the wine bars at the wine well and in the wine stands and booths on the market.
7:30 p.m. Opening of the wine market through the mayor and the Weinhex‘ with cannon ball shooting. Subsequently live music and dance.

Friday, September 12, 2025

6:00 p.m. Opening of the wine market with cannon ball shooting.
Begin of the wine bars at the wine well and in the wine stands and booths on the market.
Promenade concert with a brass band.
8:00 p. m. Live music and dance.

Saturday, September 13, 2025

The wine witch
"heartily welcomes" you!

1:00 p.m. Opening of the wine market with cannon ball shooting.
Begin of the wine bars at the wine well and in the stands and booths and promenade concerts on the market place.
3:00 p.m. big organ concert in the Liebfrauen church.
From 7:00 p.m. live music.
5:00 to 7:30 p.m. possibility to embark the special boats.

More than 50 special boats wait for the numerous guests to see the nightly firework display from the Rhine River. The musical brilliant firework display in front of the medieval backdrop of Oberwesel is the highlight of the boat parade.

Weinmarkt Oberwesel, Touristinformation Oberwesel

About 8:15 p.m. begin of the boat parade at the Lorelei Rock. Illumination of the Lorelei Rock.

9:20 p.m. Oberwesel illuminates its historic townscape.
The mayor welcomes the guests
9:30 p.m. Musical brilliant firework display / Pyro musical
Night of the thousand fires -
Rhine in Flames / Rhine aflame
10:10 p.m. The boat parade turns back to its starting point.

On the wine market festival wine stands of the Oberweseler wine dressers, happy medley and dance music.

Sunday, September 14, 2025

11:00 a.m. Opening of the wine market with cannon ball shooting. Begin of the wine bar in the wine stands and booths on the market place.
Up to 1:00 p.m. promenade concert of a brass band orchestra.
3:00 p.m. Big parade procession under a special motto
from the train station to the north end of the town and back to the market place.
4: 30 p.m. the parade procession finds its end on the market place. The wine witch from Oberwesel and the representatives of the neighbouring towns welcome the guests.
5:00 p.m. On the stage at the market place live music.

Monday, September 15, 2025

1:00 p.m. Opening of the wine market with cannon ball shooting. Begin of the wine bar in the wine stands and booths on the market place.
5:00 p.m. Live music and dance.

Entrance fees, boat cruise tickets and information

Entrance free on all wine market days.Begin of the wine bar in the wine stands and booths on the market place.

Program subject to change!

Informations, reservations, mediation of special ships for small and large groups and booking of tickets:
Boat round cruise tickets and information

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